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Trakya University Faculty of Education, whose aim is to train teachers who have the ethical principles and basic competencies of the teaching profession; who have internalized the values of Turkish society and Atatürk's Principles and Reforms; who can evaluate social events and facts with a critical perspective, and have gained the awareness of democracy, began its journey in the 1969-1970 academic year under the name of "Edirne Institute of Education". In these early days, the program offered by the institution was 3 years long and awarded degrees in Mathematics and Natural Sciences Teaching. Later, in these two branches, evening school program was started and the education period was extended to 4 years in the 1978-1979 academic year and it was named "Edirne Higher School of Teaching ". In the 1981-1982 academic year, the education period was reduced to 2 years, and it was named "Edirne College of Education" by being affiliated to Trakya University with the Decree Law No. 41. The name of the school, whose education period has been extended to 4 years since the 1989-1990 academic year, was changed to its final form as "Faculty of Education" with the Law No. 3837 of 3.7.1992 published in the Official Gazette No. 12281 of 11 July 1992. Our faculty continues its studies with the aim of being a faculty that trains qualified and competent educators who are contemporary, innovative, open to change, who learn how to learn, who have acquired information society competencies, who are always success and community service oriented, who internalize Atatürk's Principles and Reforms, and contribute to social problems related to education via scientific knowledge generation and practices by adopting the 21st century educational approach in the field of teacher training and educational sciences.
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